General COVID-19 Guidance

We cannot wait to have campers back this summer at our Pacific NW United Methodist camps!

Each summer, our highest priority is to keep campers and staff safe and healthy while we encounter
relationships and experiences in God’s natural creation. This priority includes providing guidelines and
procedures related to COVID-19. These guidelines have evolved over the past two seasons as best
practices and research has been conducted. We ask that you help us comply with these guidelines for
the safely and health of all who take part in our programs this summer.

We understand that people have widely differing views and approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic. We
recognize these differences and seek to not make these a barrier for anyone to participate. However, for
our PNW Conference Camps, we continue to follow the latest guidance of the CDC, American Camp
Association and State Dept of Health to prevent COVID-19 being spread at camp. We will be using
personal prevention practices (staying home when sick, handwashing, daily health monitoring),
environmental cleaning and disinfection, and ventilation to help lower the risk of COVID-19 exposure
and spread during camp sessions and activities.

By registering for an in-person summer program, all participants acknowledge they understand the
risk factors involved and the preventative measures that are expected to be followed to mitigate exposure to COVID-19.

Our Vaccination Policy:
All of our staff and volunteers working directly with campers are required to be fully vaccinated. All
campers and participants are highly encouraged to be fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to arrival
and will be asked to provide proof of vaccination upon check-in at camp.

For those who choose to not be vaccinated:
We request that all campers have a negative COVID-19 test within two to four days prior to their arrival
at camp. If the camper has not been tested prior to arrival, an at-home style rapid antigen test will be
provided before participation in camp.

Overnight and Day Camp Screening:
Parents/guardians should screen their camper at home for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to arrival at
camp. If your child is enrolled in day camp, we ask this practice be done daily. Children with a fever or
other COVID-19 symptoms should plan to stay home and the Camp Office should be notified.

Throughout your camper’s time at Summer Camp:
• Everyone is asked to take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of exposure prior to and
throughout attending summer camp.
• While it will not be required, all campers who feel more comfortable wearing a face mask at any
time during their time at camp are encouraged to do so.
• If campers choose to wear a face mask at camp, each must bring their own mask. Additional
disposable masks will be on hand.

• Staff will conduct a daily health assessment of symptoms and appropriate actions will be taken if
showing any signs of sickness.
• If a camper feels unwell, has a high temperature, or is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, they
must stay home or will be quarantined until symptoms resolve or they can be picked up. Please
notify us immediately if symptoms develop either in the evening if enrolled day camp or within
14 days of the end of a camp session.
• Campers who have tested positive for COVID-19 cannot attend summer programs until they
have completed five days of quarantine. If experiencing symptoms after five days, they must
continue to stay home until symptoms resolve and test negative.
• Campers will be encouraged to wash their hands at multiple times during the day. Hand
sanitizer will be available at all times.
• Meals will take place outdoors whenever possible, and if indoors, appropriate spacing and
ventilation will be implemented. Campers are asked to bring their own refillable water bottle.
• If a camper becomes ill during the camp day, they will be immediately quarantined away from
others and the parent/guardian will be notified.
• If the parent/guardian of a camper develops symptoms or becomes ill when their child is at
camp, an alternate adult or emergency contact should pick up the camper at the end of the
• If a staff member becomes ill, they will be quarantined or sent home immediately and will not
return until their symptoms have resolved and they receive a negative COVID-19 test.
• Families will be notified as soon as possible if a camper or staff member tests positive for

After Your Camp
Parents will be asked to inform the camp office immediately if your camper develops COVID-19
symptoms within 14 days following the program.